Horse riding in the Limestone Coast

Explore the Limestone Coast on horseback

ForestrySA facilitates public access to local plantations under lease arrangement, providing plenty of opportunity for horse riding in a relaxed natural environment.

Walking, horse riding, bike riding, cave diving and ghost mushroom hunting are popular activities in the plantation areas across the Limestone Coast.

The network of existing fire break trails within pine plantation areas are available for horse riding. The plantation lease area is run as a commercial forest and members of the public are asked to avoid all operational activity and abide by signage and access restrictions.

Horse riders are reminded to keep to established tracks when driving and horse riding and respect the forest environment, including flora, fauna and forest facilities.

Horse riding is not permitted in Native Forest Reserves.

Please avoid picnic areas and consider other forest users during your ride and be sure to remove all manure and feed before departing the forest. The use of clean feed will further limit the chance of weeds spreading.

A commercial user agreement may be required for some users (ie. professional racing, harness racing and trail riding).

Permit fees

All permits must be purchased before riding.

Annual permit
$73.00 per adult
$41.50 per child
Valid for 12 months from date of purchase

Daily permit
$7.30 per adult
$4.20 per child

*An event application must be submitted for large horse riding events. Click here to complete an application.



For more information regarding forest tracks within plantation lease areas
view our forest maps or send us an email.


The forest is closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days. To report a fire, call 000.

For fire ban information phone 1800 362 361 or visit the CFS website. Being aware of a Total Fire Ban is your responsibility.

Fire is prohibited on ForestrySA land and Forest Reserves between November 1 and April 30 in any year. (These dates may be extended in areas where high fire danger persists).