Horse riding

Ride in a relaxed, natural forest environment

Our forest reserves provide extensive opportunity to ride in a relaxed, natural environment.

Well-marked shared-use trails for walking, cycling and horse riding are available at Second Valley, Kuitpo and Mount Crawford Forest.

The network of existing fire tracks in plantation pine areas is also accessible for riding, with fence-line step-overs located at convenient locations.

Sections of the famous Kidman Trail pass through the Kuitpo and Mount Crawford Forests. The multi-use trail covers 269km of roadsides, forest tracks, private land and unmade road reserve and is popular among those wanting to explore South Australia in a unique way. Follow this link to find out more. 

Horse riding is prohibited in Native Forest Reserves, which have been set aside for conservation. Picnic areas and campgrounds should also be avoided.

Please consider the Forest Trail Code (at the bottom of this page), as you may encounter other forest users including cyclists and walkers during your ride.

Using clean feed limits the chance of weeds spreading. Please remove all manure and feed before departing the forest.

Permit fees

All permits must be purchased before riding.

A commercial user agreement may be required for some users (ie. professional racing, harness racing and trail riding). Click here for more information.

Annual permit
$79.00 per adult
$45.50 per child
Valid for 12 months from date of purchase

Daily permit
$7.90 per adult
$4.55 per child

*An event application must be submitted for large horse riding events. Click here to complete an application.




The forest is closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days. To report a fire, call 000.

For fire ban information phone 1800 362 361 or visit the CFS website. Being aware of a Total Fire Ban is your responsibility.

Fire is prohibited on ForestrySA land between November 1 and April 30 in any year. (These dates may be extended in areas where high fire danger persists).

Stay the night

We provide forest accommodation options especially for riders and their horses.

Woodcutter’s Cottage and Tinjella Hut in the Kuitpo Forest, and Ponderosa Hut in Mount Crawford Forest all feature secure onsite horse-yards.

Jack’s Paddock and Ponderosa Hut are available especially for horse riders with a valid horse riding permit at per-person camping prices.

Contact us to find out more.



Walk Sublime

Book for a Tranquil Forest Walk.

Enjoy a cup of tea with your guide in quiet observation, learning about your horse and getting to know each other while grooming. When horses and humans feel comfortable with each other, we head out on the trail together. Walking at your pace, with plenty of opportunities for rest stops.

You determine the distance, typically 1 – 8 km on peaceful loop trails. Sessions last for 2 – 2.5 hours in Kuitpo Forest.



The forest is for everyone - please remember the

Forest Trail Code

The forest trail and road network is used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists.

To ensure everyone’s enjoyment and safety please consider:

  • For your safety, avoid areas where access is restricted, including where forestry operations are in progress. Look for signs.
  • Always wear a helmet when cycling and horse riding and travel at a safe speed according to your experience, track conditions and terrain.
  • Consider other users. Walkers give way to cyclists and both should give way to horse riders. Courtesy is the key.
  • Avoid steep muddy or loose trails and surfaces, where the tracks you leave behind can channel rainwater and cause erosion.