Fire management

Committed to bushfire prevention, preparedness and response

ForestrySA works in cooperation with South Australia’s Country Fire Service (CFS), Victoria’s Country Fire Authority (CFA), other forest managers, neighbouring landholders and other stakeholders to manage the threat and response to bushfire.

Many strategies are in place to protect plantation lands under our management. These include:

  • Ensuring all forest firebreaks and fire access tracks on plantation land managed by ForestrySA are established and maintained in accordance with South Australian Government Agencies Fire Liaison Committee (GAFLC) standards.
  • Trained CFS firefighting personnel.
  • A fleet of modern fire tankers, state-of-the-art G-Wagen Quick Response Vehicles, bulk water carriers and other fire equipment maintained and strategically stationed across its forest estate.

A registered CFS brigade

ForestrySA is a registered CFS brigade in the Mount Lofty Ranges.

During the fire danger season, we boost our firefighting personnel with seasonal crew members trained in forest firefighting.

ForestrySA’s seasonal crew performs general forest maintenance duties, including firebreak clearing, fencing and also undertakes weekly fire training.

Our crews respond to fires within designated response zones and perform stand-by on high fire danger days, backed by a fleet of specialised fire appliances designed specifically for forest firefighting.

Fuel reduction burning

ForestrySA maintains an annual prescribed burning program across its forest reserves.

It forms an important part of our commitment to bushfire prevention. Fuel reduction burning removes under-storey fuel loads, assisting in asset protection and species diversity.

Information on planned prescribed burn operations can be found on the South Australian Country Fire Service website.

For more information regarding upcoming and recently completed prescribed burns, visit the Government of South Australia Department for Environment and Water (DEW) website.

For information about ForestrySA’s current burns, scroll down to the announcements section of the ForestrySA homepage.

Burning on private land

National Parks and Wildlife Service SA’s (NPWSSA) Burning on Private Land program strategically reduces fuel in high-risk areas, identified in collaboration with private landholders, the SA Country Fire Service, local government and bushfire management committees in each region across the state.

Private landholders can get involved in this new program in the following ways:

  • If your land is in a high-risk area, and is in a strategic location, you may be approached by NPWSSA staff to discuss options to reduce your bushfire risk to help protect the community. Priority is given to highly populated areas.
  • If you own land that you think may pose a bushfire risk to the wider community and you are not able to manage the fuel yourself you can contact NPWSSA staff. They will let you know whether your property has been identified as a risk and discuss options to manage it.

Click here to find out more about the program, or get in touch with NPWSSA.


The forest is closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days. To report a fire, call 000.

For fire ban information phone 1800 362 361 or visit the CFS websiteBeing aware of a Total Fire Ban is your responsibility.

Fire is prohibited on ForestrySA land and Forest Reserves between November 1 and April 30 in any year. (These dates may be extended in areas where high fire danger persists).

The ForestrySA FireKing

Our state-of-the-art FireKing fire tankers have undergone complete refurbishment in 2023, after almost 20 years on the frontline protecting South Australian forests and communities.

The custom-built fleet was commissioned back in 2005 to meet the niche requirements of forest-firefighting. And now after substantial investment in 2023, four of our FireKings have been upgraded with new running gear, engine, electrics, fire equipment and additional crew safety features, ensuring they are ready to protect our community for many more years to come.

Find out more

For current fire information, please visit the CFS website

For information regarding current warnings and incidents, bans and ratings, fire preparation advice, emergency contact and more, please visit the CFS website.

To report a fire, call 000.

Visit the CFS website