
Safeguarding biodiversity and cultural heritage

ForestrySA is committed to the protection, management and enhancement of native forest under its management, for the benefit of South Australia.

We manage more than 16,000ha of native forest across South Australia’s Mount Lofty Ranges and Limestone Coast regions, for conservation.

These areas contain a variety of vegetation types including native forest, woodland, grassy woodland, shrub land, grassland and wetland.

View maps of Mount Lofty Ranges and Green Triangle forest regions.


The forest is closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days. To report a fire, call 000.

For fire ban information phone 1800 362 361 or visit the CFS websiteBeing aware of a Total Fire Ban is your responsibility.

Fire is prohibited on ForestrySA land and Forest Reserves between November 1 and April 30 in any year. (These dates may be extended in areas where high fire danger persists).

Native Forest Reserves

We manage more than 16,000ha of proclaimed native forest reserves in the Mount Lofty Ranges and Limestone Coast regions, for conservation. These areas contain a variety of vegetation types including native forest, woodland, grassy woodland, shrub land, grassland and wetland.

They are legally protected and actively managed by ForestrySA to conserve and enhance their plant and animal communities for the longterm benefit of the state.

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Biodiversity corridors

Biodiversity corridors are areas of vegetation that allow animals to travel from one patch of native forest to another.

We have worked hard to establish corridors in our Mount Lofty Ranges and Green Triangle forest estates over many years, linking areas of isolated native forest with strips of revegetation for the benefit of our natural environment.

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