Submitting an Activity Registration or Event Application

Is there a due date for registrations and applications?

Activity Registration forms should be submitted at least 7 days prior to your arrival and Event Applications must be received no later than 4 weeks prior to the event.

What time of year can we make a booking or submit an Activity Registration or Event Application?

Our camping and events season runs from 1 April – 30 November annually.

Day only Activity Registrations can be made all year.

Camping and accommodation booking are open online 365 days in advance.

Event Applications and Activity Registrations (overnight stays) can be submitted up to 12 months prior to your visit.

Is there a registration or application fee?

Event Applications require payment of a $10.80 administrative fee, which must be paid before your application is submitted.

Activity Registrations can be submitted free of charge.

What information do we need to include in our registration or application?

Ensure you have all information ready before starting your application, including a location map and proof of public liability insurance (events only).

In contact details, please include at least one phone number of a staff member that can be contacted throughout the duration of your visit.

Location can be Kuitpo, Mount Crawford or Second Valley Forests.

In the Short Description, please describe the type of activity being undertaken (i.e. hiking, orienteering, mountain bike riding, bush crafts) and the specific location of the activity. For example, Rocky Creek picnic area, Chalks Orienteering Course or Bells Gully MTB trails. If you are engaging a commercial operator to provide an activity in the forest (i.e. mountain biking) please include the name of the business in the activity description.

Participant number is the total number of staff and students visiting the forest between the dates/times provided. If you have multiple groups arriving/departing and undertaking different activities, please provide an itinerary which includes the number of people at each campground or accommodation facility each night and upload into the Map Upload section.

Do we need to upload a map?

Providing a map of the route you intend to take through the forest allows Rangers to determine if your activity will be impacted by plantation closures due to other events and operational activities, such as harvesting, spraying or residue and prescribed burning.

To assist, we have provided some maps to help you plan your visit. Hit the links below to download and edit. Please ensure you mark enough detail on the map for our Rangers to assess your route through the forest. If you are using a specific area of the forest only, such as a fixed orienteering course, then a location and description of the activity will be sufficient.




How long will it take for my activity or event to be approved?

When an Activity Registration is received, we will acknowledge receipt of your form and have a brief look at your proposed date, location and activities to ensure your groups’ intended plans are not impacted by harvesting operations, forest closures or other events. Your activity will be added to our visitor calendar and a Ranger will only contact you if your activity coincides with other operational actions or events.

When an Event Application is received, we will acknowledge receipt of your application, check camp or accommodation bookings have been made or are available, and check location and dates with existing events and activities received. You will be notified as soon as possible, should your location and dates for your intended event not be available. Your event will be assigned to a specific Ranger to assess your application or discuss alternative options. The supply of suitable maps, itineraries, activity descriptions, and accurate accommodation requirements will assist Rangers in promptly approving your event. An Approval Notice will be issued once all outstanding camping and/or accommodation bookings have been paid and Rangers are satisfied with your intended activities in the forest.

If your plans change after an Approval Notice has been issued, for example, student numbers, camp or accommodation requirements, routes, locations or activities, please inform our team. Rangers may also contact you in the days prior to your event, if operational activities have been scheduled to impact on your camp and activities, or to provide other important safety information.

Note: At busy times of the season, delays may occur in the assessment of your application. If you would like your application to be reviewed by a specific date for school administrative requirements, please let our team know.