Corporate Overview, Strategic Plan and Charter

South Australian Forestry Corporation

The South Australian Forestry Corporation was established on 1 January 2001, under the South Australian Forestry Corporation Act 2000.

The business trades as ForestrySA and is subject to the provisions of the Public Corporations Act 1993.

Legislation administered by ForestrySA: Forestry Act 1950  (including the Forestry Regulations 2013), South Australian Forestry Corporation Act 2000.

Our Strategic Plan

ForestrySA Strategic Plan 2024 – 2027

Our vision is to be a sustainable and resilient forest enterprise that contributes to the socio-economic benefit of South Australia.

Our strategic direction is centred around three core pillars:

  1. Green Growth: ForestrySA will drive economic growth and innovation by capitalising on our carbon sequestration capabilities, maximising the use of our resource, building circular economy opportunities, and becoming a partner of choice for environmentally sustainable enterprise in the Mount Lofty Ranges.
  2. Future Focused: ForestrySA will undergo a comprehensive digital transformation, leveraging technologies to improve and protect our forest operations, community service obligations and decision-making processes.
  3. Fostering Success: We will enhance our organisational systems and communications to promote cohesiveness, diversity and collaboration, encouraging new career pathways that prioritise creativity, innovation and sustainability.
Download the 2024-2027 plan

Our Charter

South Australian Forestry Corporation

This Charter has been prepared by the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development and the Treasurer, following consultation with the South Australian Forestry Corporation, and in accordance with Section 12 of the Public Corporations Act 1993.

It sets out the government’s priorities and requirements for ForestrySA.

Download the Charter