Commercial operators

Commercial User Agreement applications are temporarily closed.

More information is available below or feel free to contact us to discuss.

Doing business with us

There are several ways of doing business with us.

If you have a mobile business and wish to operate in the forest providing goods and services in approved locations, you will need to apply for a Mobile Vendor Permit.

If you wish to access the forest at night, or need regular access and flexibility in your business activities (i.e. regular change of business services and forest locations), you will need a Licence Agreement.

Please see information below regarding our business options to find one that suits you.

Mobile Vendor Permit

Got a mobile business such as a food or coffee van, or planning to provide yoga or forest bathing sessions? You will need a valid permit to operate within our forests. This includes both when operating as part of an approved event, or in isolation.

When selecting a site to run your business, keep in mind you must not operate from a location which causes an obstruction to ForestrySA staff or contractors, and visitors using public areas such as carparks, visitor facilities and walking trails. This also includes positioning your mobile vendor business within public spaces reserved for people with disabilities.

Vendors need to operate during daylight hours only, unless otherwise approved by a Forest Ranger. All forests are closed on days of Total Fire Ban.

To purchase your Mobile Vendor Permit you will need to:

  1. Contact us to discuss your intended business plans with a member of our team, then
  2. Purchase a permit using the links provided within the application form below, and
  3. Submit your Mobile Vendor Permit Application to our team for final approval.


Once your business activities are approved and you have a valid permit, please make sure you notify us each time you visit with an Activity Registration. Our forests are active, working forests, so this helps us to ensure your business will not be affected by harvesting operations, registered community events and other activities.

Already have written approval?

Already received written approval through an Event Application or Mobile Vendor Permit Application and simply need to purchase a DAY Mobile Vending Permit?

Hit the link below to purchase your permit.


** Annual Mobile Vending Permits must be purchased with your original Mobile Vendor Permit Application and are valid for a period of 12 months from the purchase date.

Licence Agreement

Any business, organisation or individual carrying out commercial activities on ForestrySA land must first obtain a licence and pay the relevant fee.

Commercial activities may include guided tours, instructional or educational courses and leisure activities that are conducted for fee or reward.

Such commercial activities may include:

  • Bushwalking
  • Camping
  • Bike riding
  • Star-gazing
  • Orienteering and rogaining
  • Four-wheel driving
  • Birdwatching
  • Wildlife observation
  • Coach and bus tours
  • Boating activities
  • Forest events
  • Cave diving and exploration

Businesses do not require a licence agreement if they are:

  • Offering a public transport service (for example a charter bus service or taxi service that is not marketed as a tour).
  • A school

About our licence agreements

Licence agreements with ForestrySA are based on the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995.

Under the Act, a Disclosure Statement is initially required, which sets the agreed terms and conditions for the licence agreement. The Disclosure Statement must be signed and returned within 14 days of being served.

As a government corporation any commercial agreement developed by ForestrySA needs to provide for cost recovery or generate revenue. In the case of small commercial agreements, fees are based on the cost to set up, administer and manage licences. ForestrySA generates minimal or no revenue.

Licence agreements are available for a periods of:

  • Six months to five years. A Certified Exclusionary Certificate from the Small Business Commissioner is required, per the Retail and Commercial Leases Act (fees apply). The Certified Exclusionary Certificate creates certain protections for lease periods under 5 years as per the Act. More information is available here.
  • Five years or over. A Certified Exclusionary Certificate from the Small Business Commissioner is not required.

View example: Disclosure Statement
View example: License Agreement

Apply now!

Follow the steps below to lodge your Commercial Operator Application.

Main image courtesy of Barossa Australia.

STEP ONE: Pay your application assessment fee

A $25 assessment fee applies for all commercial operator applications.

Please ensure you have paid this fee prior to completing your application form.

Please allow up to 4 weeks for your Disclosure Statement to be prepared.

STEP TWO: Lodge your application

Once your application fee has been paid, you are ready to download, complete and lodge your commercial operator application for assessment.

Once complete, please save and email to our team for approval.

Applications must be received at least eight weeks before operations can commence and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.